Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read about some of my adventures. I have always enjoyed the outdoors, but in recent years have started to get into hunting, shooting sports, fly fishing and hiking. I hope these stories are entertaining as well as providing some tips and advice on how to and not how to make your adventures more exciting.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Safety First!

This year I spent more time in tree-stands that any other year.  So I figured this was as good of a time as any to remind everyone of tree-stand safety.  I hunt in ladder stands, climbing stands, and hang on stands.  Regardless of which you use, the most important thing to consider is safety.  First and foremost, the use of a properly fit harness and a solid tether connecting you to the tree.

My chosen harness is the Gorilla Gear G30 harness.  It is a bit more robust than others, but for the height I hunt at and the fact I am solo hunting 95% of the time, I like the over engineered design.

The tether should be used when climbing the tree as well as while you are hunting using the supplied tree strap.  Here are some tips to help you out:

  • Be sure to practice shooting your bow or gun while wearing your harness.  Shouldering your rifle with shoulder straps will be awkward the first few times you try.
  • Set your tree strap so when you are at your lowest point on your stand, whether sitting or kneeling, the tether is tight. 
  • Set your straps to be secure when wearing your hunting clothes.  The time to find out that your harness needs adjusted is not at 4:00am on opening day standing at the base of your carefully selected tree.

One of the most dangerous times is when you are transitioning from the ladder to your platform.  Be sure your lineman's belt is secured when you move your tree strap from below your platform to above.  This will be when you are most vulnerable.